Guardianship & Conservatorship
Plan Package
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Guardianships and ConservatorshipsThere is nothing more important than your children and other loved ones. People work hard to make sure our family members are well cared for during our lives, but we often forget to stop and think about what would happen to our loved ones if we become incapacitated or pass away. Inter Vivos is here to help you find proper guardianship documents (including court appointments, wills, and/or powers of attorney) which can:
- Allow you to obtain needed authority to make legal or medical decisions on behalf of a loved one who is a minor, incapacitated, or has special needs
- Allow you to assist with managing the finances of a loved one who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to make appropriate financial decisions
- Preserve the value of assets by avoiding predatory companies who target elderly individuals or individuals with diminished capacity
- Allow you to receive important information about the medical treatment a loved one is receiving
- Preserve your guardianship or parental rights when those rights are temporarily assigned to someone else due to your incapacity, incarceration, or extended stay outside of the country
Interested in Guardianship and Conservatorship Planning?
E-book: "Estate Planning For The Sandwich Generation"Anyone who has had to juggle caring for young children, while attending to an aging parent's needs, knows of the difficulties and stress it can put on a family. Now imagine that household shaken by the death of a primary caregiver or income earner. Our upcoming E-Book, Estate Planning For the Sandwich Generation explains simple strategies to avoid the legal and financial pitfalls that those providing for children and parents alike are likely to confront as part of their estate.
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