Today's world is filled with risks and regulations. Even the biggest and most fearless fish in the sea can sometimes be brought down if they are not prepared for it. Our upcoming E-Book, "Estate Planning for Sharks and Big Fish" outlines critical considerations for high net worth individuals, capitalists, and professionals to avoid the traps laid for them of taxes, lawsuits, and other estate considerations which are all too common in the waters of life.
Anyone who has had to juggle caring for young children, while attending to an aging parent's needs, knows of the difficulties and stress it can put on a family. Now imagine that household shaken by the death of a primary caregiver or income earner. Our upcoming E-Book, Estate Planning For the Sandwich Generation explains simple strategies to avoid the legal and financial pitfalls that those providing for children and parents alike are likely to confront as part of their estate.
Whether you believe the Zombie Apocalypse is coming or not, you still have assets and property to protect, some of which you may not even realize you have. Our upcoming E-Book, "Estate Planning for the Zombie Apocalypse" focuses on planning to protect your stuff in the case of emergencies, to make sure it gets to who it needs to get to with the least amount of problems possible. From guns to digital access for movies social media, and more, proper planning can protect your stuff from horror stories.
The average family today faces different needs than they did before. Changing laws, high divorce rates, and immigration concerns cause new and serious considerations for families planning their estates. Whether it's planning for pets, partners, or past relationships, our new E-Book, "Estate Planning for the Modern Family" has answers and strategies to make sure there will be no surprises when emergencies hit and avoid fallout for the family afterwards.
When the one's closest to us need as much help as they can get, planning can become a serious consideration. Government benefits for Veterans, Seniors, and individuals with special needs can sometimes be lost without careful planning. Our new E-Book, "Estate Planning for Angels and their Charges" explains the type of planning considerations needed to preserve and qualify for benefits, while avoiding pitfalls for both caregivers and the angels they care for.
Close to 70 % of all businesses in the United States are closely held or family owned. Business owners are perhaps most in need of proper planning and often most oblivious to it. Our upcoming E-Book, "Estate Planning for Founders, Pharaohs, and Pioneers" walks a family business through planning needs from formation all the way to succession as well as how to protect themselves from liability, how to plan around taxes, and how to protect what makes their business special. In short every small business needs it.
If you own property outside of the United States or governed by foreign law, that property could be at risk if something happens to you. Our upcoming E-Book, "Estate Planning for Aliens to Natives & Everyone in Between" discusses important planning considerations for anyone with property abroad, property on Native American Tribal Lands, and/or anyone who has emigrated to another country. In today's global economy planning is extremely important for anyone with multi-national connections.
Planning for your posterity is an important matter especially if you want to help generations of your family tree well into the future. You want them to be rooted in family values, while having the space and freedom to grow individually. Our upcoming E-Book, "Estate Planning For The Family Forest" discusses important aspects of multi-generational planning including what can be done in your planning, how to nurture values, and how to incentivize your posterity to grow the family tree the way you would want them to.