Medicaid Planning
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Medicaid PlanningIf you or someone you know is receiving or applying for Medicaid benefits, you know there are many restrictions and hurdles to consider. Proper planning can help you avoid any pitfalls. Proper planning can help you:
- Avoid the spend down of your assets before qualifying for Medicaid so that you can maintain a higher quality of life for you and your loved ones
- Avoid penalties, liens, or collections that come about as the result of an improper transfer.
- Use assets during your lifetime in conjunction with Medicaid to preserve a higher standard of living, then leave the remainder of your estate to your choice of the government, a charity, your family members, or anyone else you choose
Interested in Medicaid Planning?
E-book: "Estate Planning For Angels And Their Charges"When the one's closest to us need as much help as they can get, planning can become a serious consideration. Government benefits for Veterans, Seniors, and individuals with special needs can sometimes be lost without careful planning. Our new E-Book, "Estate Planning for Angels and their Charges" explains the type of planning considerations needed to preserve and qualify for benefits, while avoiding pitfalls for both caregivers and the angels they care for.
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