First, the National Firearms Act (NFA) regulates the possession, use and transfer of several types of weapons. These weapons are known as Title II weapons, Class 3 firearms, etc. But whatever you want to call them, these weapons basically include your fully automatics, shortbarrels, and suppressors/ silencers, along with "any other weapon" which is still up for interpretation. Anyway, when someone goes to buy one of these firearms, they are required to submit fingerprints, a photograph, fees, and the signature of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) in the area. Well, you can imagine that CLEO's don't like signing for these things, so it has become harder to purchase Title II weapons as an individual.
However, a person can purchase these firearms through an entity such as a GunTrust, which greatly streamlines the process and does not require fingerprints, photographs, or a CLEO signature!... Better, right?
Second, if you own and use a Title II firearm as an individual, only you can use it. Since you are the registered owner, if anyone else who is not registered uses it, they are committing a felony. Not good right? So, like if you go shooting with some friends in the canyon and one of your friends borrows your automatic to get a feel for it, that's a felony? Pretty much, yeah.
But, if you own the gun in a registered Gun Trust it is simple to allow people to use or borrow your guns without running afoul of the NFA. ...Again, better.
Finally, since only registered individuals may own or use the firearm, if you dispose of any Title II weapon, say as a gift or in a will to a friend or family member, not only are you in violation of the NFA, but they are as well. And guess what, again it's a felony! So, little Suzie just become a felon...j/k But, it all reality, this is an issue that comes as a surprise to many gun owners who may be susceptible to accidently violating the NFA. Without a Gun Trust, anyone recieving the gun has to go through the cumbersome process of approval before they can lawfully own the weapon.
And this is the reason Gun Trusts were made in the first place, to easily and properly pass on your weapons to your heirs and assigns as part your estate planning.
So, if you have a Title II weapon or are thinking of buying one. Why use a Gun Trust? Because, it's just Better!
Call the attorneys at Inter Vivos, PLLC at (801) 477-1570 for a free consultation and get your Gun Trust today.
Let Us Earn Your Family's Trust!
However, a person can purchase these firearms through an entity such as a GunTrust, which greatly streamlines the process and does not require fingerprints, photographs, or a CLEO signature!... Better, right?
Second, if you own and use a Title II firearm as an individual, only you can use it. Since you are the registered owner, if anyone else who is not registered uses it, they are committing a felony. Not good right? So, like if you go shooting with some friends in the canyon and one of your friends borrows your automatic to get a feel for it, that's a felony? Pretty much, yeah.
But, if you own the gun in a registered Gun Trust it is simple to allow people to use or borrow your guns without running afoul of the NFA. ...Again, better.
Finally, since only registered individuals may own or use the firearm, if you dispose of any Title II weapon, say as a gift or in a will to a friend or family member, not only are you in violation of the NFA, but they are as well. And guess what, again it's a felony! So, little Suzie just become a felon...j/k But, it all reality, this is an issue that comes as a surprise to many gun owners who may be susceptible to accidently violating the NFA. Without a Gun Trust, anyone recieving the gun has to go through the cumbersome process of approval before they can lawfully own the weapon.
And this is the reason Gun Trusts were made in the first place, to easily and properly pass on your weapons to your heirs and assigns as part your estate planning.
So, if you have a Title II weapon or are thinking of buying one. Why use a Gun Trust? Because, it's just Better!
Call the attorneys at Inter Vivos, PLLC at (801) 477-1570 for a free consultation and get your Gun Trust today.
Let Us Earn Your Family's Trust!